THIS IS AN INTENSIVE 1:1 SERVICE WHERE I DIVE DEEP INTO YOUR BUSINESS with you to help you develop a clear plan of action for your business and strategize your systems. I'm with you the whole ride!

Let's work together with strategic, Productivity Consulting Sessions

I'm about to show you just how easy it really can be!

Ever find yourself stuck in the whirlwind of running your online coaching business? The overwhelm can hit hard, and suddenly the path from point A to B is like navigating a maze blindfolded. Been there, done that, right?

What if you had a golden ticket to clarity and a personalized roadmap for your next business move? Picture conquering those overwhelming steps with ease and actually knowing where you're heading!

My Productivity Consulting is your secret weapon to slay the business chaos! The best part? The one-step at a time process reduces overwhelm and makes business fun again!

Word on the street is you're ready to stop playing small and start showing up in your business. You're just missing someone to walk with you.

You feel like you're stuck on this never-ending hamster wheel with no help in sight.

Productivity Consulting sessions in which we will determine your current focus and the action steps needed to move forward and make progress.

Personalized Next-Step Action Plans that you can refer back to as often as needed. These action sheets are a great resource for when you get stuck or need a reminder of what to do next.

A plan you can follow to help you automate systems, create more products, and finally achieve the goals that you created in January.

Get ready cause this fun ride includes:

When you work with me, I'll create a structure to help your business run smoothly. Together, we'll assess your current systems and work through these 5 steps:

  1. Define. Get crystal clear on your vision and assess your current systems.
  2. Organize. We'll find what's working and what's not, then create a custom action plan.
  3. Simplify. Start streamlining your systems for all aspects of your business.
  4. Automate. Anything you can do to save your time or money is automated or outsourced.
  5. Implement! Once we have mapped out your plan, you will implement it step-by-step.

You’re feeling overwhelmed because you haven’t taken the time to prioritize your tasks in a way that will help you get things done productively.

Without priorities, you feel scattered — jumping from one thing to the next, without any sense of direction or control over your desired outcomes.


Consulting Sessions

You know things need to change. You’re sick of PROCRASTINATING ... NOT HAVING ENOUGH TIME ... feeling overwhelmed.


3 Monthly Payments of

3 months


6 Monthly Payments of

6 months (SAVE!)

Are you ready to get clarity and break free from business overwhelm?

Onboarding fee of $250 due at the time of booking.*

Onboarding fee of $250 due at the time of booking.*

*Onboarding fee waived for renewals.

After we have our initial onboarding call to review your account, we'll get started! I can't wait to work with you.

call + action

Complete your onboarding questionnaire at the time of booking and check your email for the next steps.

onboarding forms

A $250 deposit is due at the time of booking to guarantee your spot and cover the immense preparation.

book your package

Here's how it works!

These brave business owners took a chance. Will you? 

Miranda is a true pleasure to work with! She is a pro when it comes to systems, operations and communications.

Laura Garnett, Garnett Consulting

Miranda is constantly helping me up-level how my business is operating. I cannot recommend her highly enough!

Eliza Reynolds, Badass Girls

Miranda is the queen of thoughtful systems, efficiency and organization. She makes my business so much easier!

As a service-based business owner, I know what it's like to be overwhelmed, overworked, and constantly stressed. I've experienced it firsthand.

I created systems and templates to help my business run more efficiently so that I could focus on growth. I went from working all the time to creating a business based on ease. And I love what I do even more now.

When you work with me, I'll create a structure to help your business run smoothly. Together, we'll assess your current systems and create a plan to streamline your business.

ceo, operations manager, systems strategist, and your right-hand gal.

I help connect the dots to automate your business.



Frequently Asked Q's

During your sessions, I will tackle the things that are specific to your business including  personal productivity and workflows, exploring your current plans in your business and home life and determine what your next focused set of steps should be, you can bounce ideas off an impartial party for different perspectives,
determine what on your to-do list is your next best course of action,
and much more!


No, the consulting sessions are completely on your timeline depending on how quickly you move along with your business or personal productivity plans. You will receive action steps at the end of each call for recommendations of what to work on next, and once those steps are complete, you can schedule your next call (once a week). Your consulting sessions are meant to spark new ideas and review your plan to help you stay on track.

Am I committed to a certain timeline?

A $250 onboarding fee is due when you book your onboarding session. This covers the rate for the immense amount of work it takes to create your initial plan and complete your onboarding. The deposit is non-refundable. Your first monthly payment is due at the start of your sessions, then every 30 days thereafter. If you foresee renewing services, it's beneficial to choose a longer-term contract. The $250 onboarding fee is waived for renewals.

Why is there an onboarding fee?
when is payment due?

You have up to 3 days after your initial onboarding session to cancel your sessions if you feel like this service will not be a good fit for your goals. However, the pre-work and onboarding call requires a lot of time and prep work, so the onboarding fee is non-refundable. No refunds are offered beyond the onboarding session, so please be ready to commit to having a coach and being held accountable for doing the work.

Do you offer refunds for this project?

This is a use it or lose it service. It is structured this way to make sure you take action! If you don't do the action plans we have agreed upon during our calls, you likely won't be ready for another call. I love helping other female entrepreneurs succeed, but please don’t purchase these sessions if you are not going to do the work. It is ultimately your responsibility to follow through and book the calls. I am not responsible for sending booking reminders.

What happens if I don't use all of my calls? Do i get an extension?

I got you! Let's hop on a 20-minute  Zoom coffee chat to get to know more about you, your business, and what you are looking to accomplish by hiring a productivity consultant. Then we will have an idea if this is the right service for you or if you could be a candidate for a different service.

what if i have more questions?

It's time to stop procrastinating and start doing

buckle up business owner